Let Mayor Adams know that you support and prioritize POC arts communities.

Limitations of the Current Study

HueArts NYC Brown Paper


Limitations of the Current Study

While we worked hard to capture all of the existing data about arts entities, we recognize that there may be organizations that have recently launched (or sunsetted) since we started the online mapping project, so Museum Hue plans to update the site annually. Additionally, it is important to note that we did not collect survey data from all 400+ organizations for this brown paper. The survey we used was an extensive one that required at least an hour to complete.


town hall participants


virtual focus groups with 10 to 12 leaders participating in in attendance


POC arts entities on map

We felt it was necessary to use such a detailed questionnaire because we wanted to capture as much information as possible from respondent entities.

However, the survey length may have discouraged some organizations from participating. We received 56 completed surveys from arts entities, and used data from 41 eligible respondents. While informative, this is not a large enough sample to draw definitive conclusions about all POC arts entities. It is important to keep this in mind when reading the results below. Similarly, the conversations in the community forums and the interviews yielded significant results but represent only a fraction of the experiences and perspectives of POC-founded and -led organizations. 

This is a pilot project. To do the kind of outreach needed to collect data from the larger pool of 400+ arts entities requires more time and people power, and more significant financial resources than we had for this project. We want to continue gathering data from more Black, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern, and all People of Color arts entities and build on what we have learned from this initial study. Furthermore, we would like to address additional informational areas such as the lack of endowments, board reserves, and discretionary funding. However, this additional research will require a more significant commitment of time and financial resources. Increased support for projects like this from the broader arts and cultural community, philanthropic sources, and government is needed to expand upon the work begun here.

Top Photo: Ahya Simone (harpist) and Morticia Godivia (dancer) performing at The List Launch, 2021. Source: BTFA: Black Trans Fems in the Arts

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